Simple lines of color can change a scenery entirely 

Meet Lama, one of my fellow bloggers and someone who’s like a sister to, on a recent trip to Istanbul’s Art district, she shows us how simple lines of color can change a scenery entirely..

  Lama at Sali Pazari Yokuzu, Istanbul 
Sali Pazari Yokuzu (or SPY for short) is a place that has come to be known for the city’s street art, among age old structures they juxtapose neon rainbow colors, how awesome is that?

Also, it’s a shout out to expressing individuality and freedom- a possible breakaway from tradition and an embrace of the secular- something Turkey is historically known for…

2008 Archives: Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Help, I’m getting the summer travel bug again! Why oh why is it that I cannot stay put in one place for more than 2 months? Travel seems to be ingrained in my genetic makeup.

I was looking through my archives and came across 2 beautiful pictures of my 2008 trip to Cameron Highlands, Malaysia which I want to share with you all.

Robinson Falls is by far one of the most serene places to be in. Southeast Asian spirit.. 

Nature there is just one of a kind tropical, and here’s 2 of my favorite macro and landscape pictures. Enjoy, stay bright and have a wonderful week!


Louvre Museum Abu Dhabi launches Al Qalam exhibition

“A display of religious and historic manuscripts that have influenced the world”, is what the Al Qalam exhibition is if we were to summarize it. I still do want to check it out and give my full review when it opens…

The exhibition is displayed at Manarat Al Saadiyat, Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi up until August 30th

Display time: July 28th-August 30th

One iconic piece to check out: the Fayyum Mummy Portrait


The Fayyum Portrait, courtesy The National Newspaper

For more details, The Full article can be found at:

Inspiring Photo of the Day: Monet’s Garden in Giverny, France

When I think of where I would want to spend one of my Sundays,  that place would be sketching in Claude Monet’s garden in Giverny, within the scenic province of Normandy, France.

The reflective bridge among the calm waters and lush greenery allows you to escape, escape to a world so few of us have access to anymore.

Happy Sunday everyone! Don’t forget to take that time out to be inspired, centered and relaxed. 

This post is also dedicated to my mom-who is a big fan of Impressionism, and a shout out to her on her special day. Happy Birthday Mom, You keep me inspired.

Libas Lounge’s Fashion fiesta uncovered

Now, we couldn’t leave this stone un turned..

If Inspirere promotes an event, we are sure to physically attend and check it out:

Some of the pictures from the event. I would also like to give a shout out to Riyaz Ganji and Raziya Sharif of Libas-your clothes rocked!


Enjoyed the show stopping awesomeness! And that turquoise dress is mine, wink wink..

Sugar skulls and pumpkins in Mexico

Central America, definitely on my travel
Bucket list!


Fresh from the dizzy heights of La Paz in the Andes it was nice to be back at sea level in San Salvador, capital of the smallest Central American country, El Salvador. This was my second visit and I have to say a rather uninspiring two days were spent in the city. Like many Central American cities there is a huge contrast between the ‘no-go’ areas and the suburbs frequented by the affluent – which includes expats. Drug-related gang crime is a big problem in some parts of San Salvador and the murder rate is one of the highest in the world. It is, however, very unlikely that a foreigner would be the target of these crimes as life in the leafy neighbourhoods of Zona Rosa and Escalonia is rather sedate and detached from the gang world. The malls, hotels and restaurants of these areas have many a security guard…

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